“This resolution details the history and current nuclear actions of other countries that have disproportionately impacted us Pacific peoples. Knowing this history and these current events is critical to tackling this issue and those like it. Issuing our position on this controversial issue will help raise awareness in the Marianas, increase dialogue across the Pacific, and support organizations who work on nuclear policy and oppose the plans to discharge.”
“My hope moving forward is to engage in more dialogues on directly addressing the future of nuclearism in our community on both state, regional, and federal levels. Additionally, I hope this resolution provides further support for the many grassroot movements, nonprofits, and non-governmental agencies around the globe who are fighting for our environment and the health and wellbeing for us all.”
Representative Sheila J. Babauta introduced House Joint Resolution 22-11 on September 23, 2021. The full House then adopted the resolution on October 29, 2021 where it was then move to the Senate for consideration. On December 15, 2021 it was then adopted by the Senate. The Office of Representative Sheila J. Babauta was then given a physical commemorative copy of the resolution on January 10, 2022.